The fourth and last week of ICMED training programme was held in Poitiers (France) from 3rd to 5th April 2019, with the participation of around 20 representatives of Algerian, Moroccan and Tunisian universities and trainers from the Universities of Padova and Bologna (Italy), Poitiers (France), and Rouen Normandy (France) as member of UNIMED.
The Training Week was hosted by the University of Poitiers. The training programme was divided into different sessions and dealt with significant issues related to the Joint and Double Degrees. More specifically, the training week was dedicated to the presentation of different aspects of designing a Joint and Double Degree: definition of the legal framework and the cooperation agreement, curriculum development, issues related to the management and quality assurance. A specific session of the training focused on the development of an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree, presenting the good practice of CLE (Cultures Littéraires Européennes) coordinated by the University of Bologna and STEDE (Sustainable Territorial Development) led by the University of Padova.
During the week, trainers and participants from the different institutions presented their experiences and cases study from the partner universities.
The event was a great occasion also for sharing good practices and concrete experiences, discussing future opportunities of cooperation among countries, in relation to the training topics.
The programme is available here.