On November 29-30, the 3rd SC meeting of the project ICMED, International Credit Mobility: a new challenge for the Mediterranean Region, was held in Marrakesh organized by the University of Hassan 1er de Settat in Morocco on the occasion of the 3rd ICMED Training Week foreseen by the project (November 26-28, 2018).

The meeting was opened by the Agence universitaire de la Francophonie who expressed the importance of establishing joint synergies and collaboration with the consortium in the project and beyond. Furthermore, on this occasion were discussed important actions related to the organisation of the train-the-trainers and the final conference, foreseen at the end of September 2019 hosted by the University of Oran in Algeria. Other key issues related to the management, the quality monitoring and the dissemination of the project were faced.

This project is co-financed by European Commission, in the framework of the programme Erasmus+, KA2 – Capacity building in the Field of Higher Education. ICMED is led by the University of Padova and it involves several universities from Spain, France, Italy, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria, as well as UNIMED and the CoimbraGroup.

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