On November 16th and 17th the kick off meeting of the project ICMED, International Credit Mobility: a new challenge for the Mediterranean Region, was held at the University of Padua in Italy.
This project is cofinanced by European Commission, in the framework of the programme Erasmus+, KA2 – Capacity building in the Field of Higher Education. ICMED is led by the University of Padova and it involves several universities from Spain, France, Italy, Morocco, Tunisia and Algeria, as well as UNIMED and the CoimbraGroup.
ICMED contributes to building Partner countries’ Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) capacity in the field of international relations, with a specific focus on Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility (ICM), thus reinforcing partners cooperation in the Euro-Mediterranean region and improving the quality of the academic exchanges through the implementation of a comprehensive Training Programme to be held in the region.