On April 7 and 8, 2019 the Algerian National Erasmus+ Office (NEO) organized a monitoring visit at the University of Biskra, related to the impact of the Erasmus+ projects and programs in Algeria. In particular, the first day was focused on International Credit Mobility and on the project ICMED, a New Challenge in the Mediterranean Region (ICMED).

On this occasion, both professors and the administrative staff -participating to the Erasmus+ program- shared their experiences on the training weeks carried out.

Finally, on 09 April 2019, the Algerian NEO organised the Erasmus+ info day at the University of Biskra. The initiative was attended by a large number of attendees and namely by the University Rector, Vice-Rectors, Deans, Head of Departments, teachers, students, and administrative staff. Also on this occasion, the ICMED project together with its positive impact was presented.


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